Cranio mandibular dysfunction/CMD

Mandible Joint Dysfunction
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The mandibular joint is the only paired joint in the body. This gives it an exceptional position compared to all other joints. In addition to this it is the most important joint in the body from a biological point of view, as it is in direct connection with our food intake.

If the occlusion is not optimally adjusted there are knock-on effects for the whole body, along the muscle and fasciae chains. This presents itself with symptoms such as clicking jaws, headaches, migraine, tinnitus and muscle tension in the area around the cervical spine and the whole skeleton right down to the feet.

In 85% of the cases of chronic cervical syndrome and chronic backache a malfuction of the mandiblualr joint is at least partly to blame.

For a long time the effects of mandibular joint malfunctions were left unheeded, resulting in treatment purely of the symptoms and not of the cause.

Cranio-Mandibular-Dysfunction, CMD, is caused by a malposition between the skull (cranium) and lower jaw (mandibile), and effects the whole skeletal frame from the cervical spine downwards to the feet.



In 85% of the cases of chronic cervical syndrome and chronic backache a malfuction of the mandiblualr joint is at least partly to blame. In a study carried out on 100 healthy students (Kobayashi, Hanson 1988) the effects of a raised occlusion of 0.1 mm on one tooth were tested. Not only did the students experience pain over the whole body but they also developed aggressive/depressive mood changes. The blood tests showed raised levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline/cortisone. This shows that the whole organism is influenced by the position of the lower jaw. The cross networking of various feedback contol systems within the body can lead to dysfunction in other areas (toes, ankle, knee, hip, spinal column, skull), via the muscle/fasciae chains, the source of trouble being the lower jaw.

Possible effects of cranio mandibular dysfunction/CMD

  • Tinnitus, headache, migraine
  • Muscle tension inn the neck/shoulder/spine area and in the arms
  • Pelvic obliquity with scoliosis
  • Joint pains “from head to toe”
  • Impaired lymph flow within the head area with recurring  rhinitis (sinusitis)

The whole locomotor system is subsidiary to the manible joint. Dental occlusion should always be taken into consideration during any course of dental treatment.

If the occlusion is not optimally adjusted there are knock-on effects for the whole body, along the muscle and fasciae chains. This presents itself with symptoms such as clicking jaws, headaches, migraine, tinnitus and muscle tension in the area around the cervical spine and the whole skeleton right down to the feet.