Vollkeramik Veneers


Cosmetic Dentistry, Zahntechnik

Are you interested in a gentle but marked improvement of the appearance of your teeth?

Veneers are a highly aesthetic form of dental restoration. Veneers can rectify slight tooth displacement, gaps, unsightly colouring and staining. The porcelain veneer is 0,3 – 1mm thick and is far more durable than synthetic or composite fillings.

Suitably fitted, veneers are extremely durable. In addition to this they are a less invasive alternative to crowns, as only a third of the tooth material has to be removed at the most.

A sustained result in this restoration technique is gained by making an exact diagnosis and perfect dental and technical execution. In some cases it is recommendable to have orthodontic treatment prior to  having the veneers fitted, in order to optimise the functional and aesthetic success.